A long time ago in a faraway place.

Scene 1:  Brewing and Evil Plan

Scene 2: A Quest Query

Scene 3: Charming Part 1

Scene 3.5: Merry Meadow

Scene 4: Through the Meadow

Scene 5: The Princesses and the Not so Merry Meadow

Scene 6: Charming Part 2

Scene 6.5: Fickle Forest

Scene 7: Into the Woods


Scene 8: Princesses VS. The Fickle Forest Court

Scene 9: Charming Part 3

Scene 9.5: Lively Lake

Scene 10: Over the Lake

Scene 11: Not With the Band

Scene 12: What the Hex!

Scene 13: Gold is Gold

Scene 14: Grandmother’s House FINALLY

Scene 15: Nap Time

Scene 16: Which Old Witch!

Scene 17: They All Lived Happily Ever After