Special Thanks
Our many helping hands have assisted in so many ways. Although unseen, these people are an integral part of this production and so much more:
Calgary Academy’s Leadership Team, for their steadfast and ongoing support of the Drama program.
John Lee and the Facilities team, for keeping our space safe and tidy after each of our late-night shows.
Our front office leading ladies, including Liz, Maggie, Tilly, and Leslie for all their organization, expertise, and extra costume orders!
The Communications and Marketing team, for some really fun promotional ideas, including Nick, Jelmer, and Jordan.
Our Finance team, including Yvette, Nona, Annette, Katie, and Marla, for all your support with ticket sales and for always keeping us in check!
Danica McConnell for all her help organizing the photography students.
Shirley McLim, for her donations of some of the beautiful costumes.
Katrina Tashlikowich and Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School, for the beautiful circular stage.
A special thank you to Joel Schaefer for our music workshop. We were so amazed by your magic.
Steve Fletcher and all the help setting up our sound and microphones and coaching our sound tech students.
Morgan Platt, you saved us when we couldn’t make the props ourselves.
Bob Fenske from Long and McQuade for all his help with the microphone rentals.
Mathew LaBrie from Arch Technicals for making sure we were show-ready with extra lighting and speaker rentals.
All our student directors, choreographers, and designers for their additional commitment as dance captains and student choreographers.
Our beautiful Kreative Krew of volunteer teachers who have spent over eight months after school cultivating and rehearsing our young performers.
The teachers of Calgary Academy for their understanding and flexibility with these tired, overworked, and underpaid actors.
Parents, we know that behind every great kid is an even greater parent. Thank you for your support!
The Calgary Academy Cast and Crew’s energy and commitment to making this show a success.