What makes the difference between students with LD who meet with success (however “success” is defined) and those who continually feel like failures? Why do some kids actively seek out challenges and other avoid risk taking altogether? Have your kids said “I can’t” before they’ve even tried? Have you?

Mental toughness (MT) has a great deal of evidence to support its use in education, but it is also broadly misunderstood because of its roots in competitive sport and in high-performance arenas such as the military and business worlds. It is a wildly underused tool that can be of significant benefit for kids (and adults) with Learning Disabilities/ ADHD/ Anxiety/ Gifted profiles (and those who work with them).

In this session, we will discuss what MT really is – and the critical values of mental sensitivity and mental flexibility in enhancing performance and in supporting students and ourselves to become more willing risk takers, be more resilient, have more interpersonal success, and how to not only learn from mistakes but also actively and enthusiastically seek out opportunities for new learning.

Recommended Audiences:

  • Older students (high school aged and up)
  • Parents of students with LD/ ADHD/ Anxiety/ Giftedness/ ASD or combinations of any of these
  • Educators (general and special education; counsellors/therapists)
  • School administrators

Register Now:

To RSVP, email events@calgaryacademy.com.

Arlette Speaker Series

The Arlette Speaker Series is sponsored by former Calgary Academy parents, Dr. John & Ildi Arlette, through the Arlette Education Fund at the Calgary Foundation. This series was created to facilitate sessions for parents of children with learning differences to have the resources to support themselves and their children.

Event Details

  • Event Date
    Mar 13, 2023
  • Event Time
    7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
  • Ticket Cost

Our Guest

Dr. Brent Macdonald

Read Bio