Our many helping hands have assisted in so many ways. Although unseen, these people are an integral part of this production and so much more:

  • Calgary Academy’s leadership team for their steadfast and ongoing support of the Drama program.
  • Mr. John Le and his team for keeping our space neat and tidy after each of our late-night shows.
  • Our front office leading ladies Maggie Heintz, Liz Boyd, Josepha Raptis, Miranda Nguyen
  • The Communications Team for some really fun promotional ideas! Nick Hughes, Jordan Pike, Angela Gerrish, and Jelmer Derksen
  • Yvette Schuler, Nona Smith, and Annette Moline, for all your support with ticket sales and for always keeping us in check!
  • Bob Tolsma and Dafne Miller for all your help organizing the photography students.
  • Shirley McLim for her donations with some of the beautiful costumes.
  • The teachers of Calgary Academy for their understanding and flexibility with these tired, overworked, and underpaid actors.
  • Parents, we know that behind every great kid is an even greater parent. Thank you for your support!
  • The Calgary Academy Cast and Crew’s energy and commitment to making this show a success.