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Constable Tad Milmine is a police officer with the Calgary Police Service as well as the president and founder of Bullying Ends Here. An International-level speaker, Tad has addressed numerous professional and school audiences on the topic of bullying and recovery from traumatic events.

During this session, Tad shares his knowledge of bullying in real time and from real-life experiences. He spreads the message of acceptance and understanding to everyone—touching on elements of his childhood.

A livestream will be available to those who cannot attend in person.

Please note this event takes place in-person. Confirmation will be emailed to you after registration.

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In this free session, Kathy Macdonald helps audiences acquire a better sense of safety and security for their children when they are online. She addresses concerns related to cyberbullying, online coercion, and sexual exploitation, offering an enlightening glimpse into emerging security threats.

This presentation includes a discussion of social media, popular apps, privacy, and the laws that help to protect young people. It offers information about the positive use of technology and helps families respond promptly and effectively to online issues that could arise with their children. As a former police officer and online investigator, she shares firsthand stories about fraud prevention, social engineering, and personal security.

What makes the difference between students with LD who meet with success (however “success” is defined) and those who continually feel like failures? Why do some kids actively seek out challenges and other avoid risk taking altogether? Have your kids said “I can’t” before they’ve even tried? Have you?

Mental toughness (MT) has a great deal of evidence to support its use in education, but it is also broadly misunderstood because of its roots in competitive sport and in high-performance arenas such as the military and business worlds. It is a wildly underused tool that can be of significant benefit for kids (and adults) with Learning Disabilities/ ADHD/ Anxiety/ Gifted profiles (and those who work with them).

In this session, we will discuss what MT really is – and the critical values of mental sensitivity and mental flexibility in enhancing performance and in supporting students and ourselves to become more willing risk takers, be more resilient, have more interpersonal success, and how to not only learn from mistakes but also actively and enthusiastically seek out opportunities for new learning.

Recommended Audiences:

  • Older students (high school aged and up)
  • Parents of students with LD/ ADHD/ Anxiety/ Giftedness/ ASD or combinations of any of these
  • Educators (general and special education; counsellors/therapists)
  • School administrators

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In this free, virtual session, Dr. David Tranter – Professor, Faculty of Social Work – Lakehead University – will examine the key strategies that all of us—parents, caregivers, and educators—can use together to further create a caring and connected school community in a post-pandemic world.

Please note this event takes place virtually. Confirmation and meeting link will be emailed to you after registration.

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In this free, virtual session, expert educator Shelley Moore will share how the goals of inclusion in classrooms have evolved as we learn more about diversity, identity, and the understanding that every student learns differently. This shift in understanding opens exciting doors for the future of truly personalized, strengths-based learning for students. Parents are partners in this journey, and together we will reflect on what the next steps are for advocacy and celebration of student success.