2021 Junior Drama Production

By Charlotte Nixon
Produced by special arrangement with Brooklyn Publishers LLC.

Director’s Note

Charlotte Nixon

Of all the plays I have written, Bibbity, Bobbity, BAAM holds a special place in my heart. As a student with dyslexia, I spent many of my school days feeling dumb and inferior to my peers. Similar to the play’s main character, Petal, it was hard for me to successfully complete tasks that seemed simple to all the other students. I wanted to write the play that I needed to see in middle school, a play that values traits that don’t appear on any report card, traits like a strong work ethic, determination, and a willingness to help others. Petal embodies these traits, and it is her ability to accept who she truly is that leads to her dreams coming true. I think this play also speaks to the students at Calgary Academy. At times, it is challenging to remain positive when it feels like everyone around you is moving ahead while you are standing still. I hope the story of Petal reminds our students that each of them possesses unique gifts, talents, and the ability to make magic. All they have to do is REACH.

The Cast and Roles

PETAL: Kiera R.
Madame Merlin: Claudia H.
Tinkerbell: Lyla F.
Fauna: Aleya R.
Flora: Tesa M.
Merriweather: Alexis F.
Pixies: Avery R., Matthew R., Aria T., Dana N., Jodeanna F.
Snow White/Titania/Cinderella: Maya J.
Mirror, Mirror/Princess Rosa/Helga: Lauren D.
Princess Claire/Baliff 1/Evil Stepmother: Anna J.
Evil Queen/Froggie: Julia N.
Princess Bella: Jodeanna F.
Baliff 2: Aria T.
Gisela: Dana N.
Limo Driver: Matthew R.

The Tech Crew

Grade 11: Jonny M., Verin M.
Grade 10: Sadie T., Sydney H., Olivia P.
Grade 8/9: Mary W., Addison H., Sara L., Grier K., Jason T., Jacob A.
Grade 7: Zach K., Bara N., Carys M., Jayme l., Matilda C., Owen H., Kiera R., Chloe B., Maria B.

Program Information

Production Manager/Creative Director: Leeanne McLim
Writer and Director: Charlotte Nixon
Stage Manager: Emma S. and Jonny M.
Backstage Stage Managers: Verin M., Jason T.
Set Design: Jamie Lafond, Leeanne McLim
Props: Jamie Lafond, Leeanne McLim
Costumes: Leeanne McLim, Shirley McLim
Projection Design: Bara N., Jake A.
Sound Design: Jason T., Emma S., Leeanne McLim
Light Design: Jonny M., Zachary K.
Student Photography: Mr. Tolsma’s Grade 11/12 Photography Class
Poster Design: Leeanne McLim/ Deanna Parker
Backstage Crew: Jane Conrad, Kassandra Sunstrum, Jessica Fonseca, Hayley Jonason

Special Thanks

Mr. Lafond for all those extra lunches painting and making extra toadstools and vines.

Mr. Tolsma and his photography classes for cast headshots, cast photos, and stage photography!

Shirley McLim for her help and donations with the costumes.

Jane Conrad, Hayley Jonason, Kassandra Sunstrom for all their hours backstage helping our students be ready and dressed for their cues.

Deanna Parker for her hemming skills!

Administration for all their special accommodations to help make students feel supported and prepared.

The teachers of Calgary Academy for their understanding and flexibility with these tired, overworked, and underpaid actors.

Ms. McLim’s Drama classes for all their additional altruism.

Liz, Yvette, Jordan, Patricia, Maggie, and Josepha for their organizational talents, and ongoing support for our production needs.

Wayne To for the fabulous video!

Alex, Jonny, and Verin for all their extra time and heavy lifting!

Parents: We know that behind every great kid is an even greater parent. Thank you for your support!

The Calgary Academy Cast and Crew’s Energy and commitment to making this show a success.